Organic Chia Seed Oil
Summary of Skin Benefits
Age-Defying due to high omega 3 in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Super Hydrating allows skin to retain moisture due to high omega 3 in the form of ALA
Fast absorbing due to low viscosity
Regulates Oil Production and Maintains Skin Elasticity due to high omega 3 in the form of ALA
Anti-Inflammatory due to high omega in the form of ALA
Chia Seed Oil has the Latin name Salvia Hispanica, it is a yellowish to bright yellow clear liquid, with a soft, nutty and aromatic scent.
We’ve all heard of the super healthy chia seeds, but not many of us are aware of the amazing benefits of the chia seed oil. Our oil is certified organic and grown in farms all over Central America. It is extracted using a solvent free method and it takes approximately 1kg of chia seeds to produce 250ml of chia seed oil. The remaining husks are used as animal feed, so it is all recycled and none of this amazing seed is wasted.
We selected Chia Seed Oil as the best oil, after conducting extensive research for our range of Face Oils.
It truly is an amazing oil, no wonder it has been used throughout history by the Incas, Indians and Mayans.
Why is it good for us?
Our bodies cannot synthesize the essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6. As you can see from the table, chia seeds are full of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is a type of omega 3 fatty acid. There are lots of sources of omega 6 fatty acids (vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, nuts and grains) in our diets however, omega 3 is harder to find.
Chia seeds are the richest source of ALA (approx. 62%) in nature, flax seeds come a close second with approximately 55% ALA. There are other types of omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oils called eicosapentaeoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) but ALA is only found in plants. So if you are vegetarian or vegan chia seed oil is your best source.
The Composition of our Organic Chia Seed Oil
It is not only important to incorporate omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids but also have them in the correct ratio. Omega 6 fatty acids compete with the omega 3 fatty acids in the body, and therefore excessive intake of omega 6 fatty acids can inhibit the omega 3’s. The ideal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is approx. 3:1 and as you can see from the table chia seeds contain this perfect beneficial ratio.
Why do we need Fatty Acids?
In a series of studies commencing in 1929, George and Mildred Burr fed rats a diet with no fat in. The fat deprived rats developed visible skin abnormalities, increased water loss across their skin, which is also known as transepidermal water loss (TEWL), stunted growth and impaired reproduction. By systematically re-introducing oils with defined fatty acid combinations back into their diets, it was determined that the skin defects in the deficient animals could be reversed. Deficiency of Essential fatty acids (EFAs) in humans clinically manifests as dermatitis (scaling and dryness of skin) and leads to increased transepidermal water loss or dehydrated skin.
How do we get the EFAs into us?
Both topical application and dietary intake are effective ways of delivering EFA’s to the skin. If you are very good at eating the nuts and seeds every day, then you are doing very well, if however, you need a bit of help topical application has been shown to reverse the effects of EFA deficiency in both animals and humans. Topical application of oil is an effective means of delivering EFAs to the skin and, eventually, to the rest of the body. As studies have shown TEWL was normalised and scaliness of skin was reduced of skin after two weeks of topical application. This indicates that cutaneously delivered EFAs eventually travel to the systemic circulation.
To find out more about how to get Chia seeds into your life please visit our Blog
Products containing Chia Seed Oil
1. Super Nourishing Organic Face Oil for Normal / Combination Skin | with Chia seed and Rosehip oils
2. Super Clarifying Organic Face Oil for Oily Skin | with Chia seed and Safflower seed oils
3. Super Nourishing Organic Face Oil for Dry Skin | with Chia and Camellia seed oils
4. Super Moisturising Organic Chia Seed Hand Butter